- Grinding Poker For A Living Person
- Grinding Poker For A Living Will
- Grinding Poker For A Living Trust
- Grinding Poker For A Living Well
- Grinding Online Poker For A Living
Most Common Way to Make Living at Poker
And even then, believe me when I say that the old saying is so true: 'poker is hard way to make an easy living.' It actually isn't nearly as glamorous as it sounds and there are many long hours spent grinding small edges in tough games. With all that said though, poker still provides a good opportunity for some people to make a good side income. In today's episode of the Nightly Grind Poker VLOG, I do a short 20 minute live play session on Ignition Casino poker, four tabling 5nl regular 6-max games o. That’s about everything caught up on for the time being, will be taking a break from live poker for a while, mainly grinding online. After hearing about how bleak the British summer has been the sun has been shining pretty much non-stop since I got home so will be also looking to make the most of that and play as much golf as possible! Maybe a 'living' is the wrong term. I am trying really hard to improve my game at the moment and making a living is the LONG term plan. To get there, the first stage is to build a bankroll sufficient enough, so grinding the $5 and $10 SNGS is what I am planning to do for at least 12 months and see where I end up after it. Feb 15, 2014 Playing poker for a living is a roller coaster in every metaphorical way. Making multiple hundred dollars per hour playing online poker in my pajamas from my apartment. Grinding in poker is the worst job you could ever have. My buddy started playing tournaments and private games with whales.
The sit-‘n’-go tournament, or SNG, is a staple of the online game, where the top pros consistently make around $500,000 a year. Whereas no-limit cash games dominate the live poker scene, the common availability of SNGs online offers another way for a hard-working, better-than-average player to make a living at the game. But grinding SNGs for a living can be just that – a grind – so understanding the format’s nuances and quantity of play required is vital to success.
Every online poker website offers SNG action, so there’s no worry about finding a game. The largest sites accepting USA players, such as BetOnline and Bovada, offer dozens of different buy-in levels at all stakes, for all games, though plain old no-limit hold’em dominates the action on every site.
Making a Living

Few players are good enough on their own to be able to survive playing just a table or two, so multi-table grinders are the rule among the most profitable SNG players, rather than the exception. A typical SNG grinder finds a stakes level where his game is profitable against the average competition, then fires up between five and 20 SNGs at once on the site or sites of their choice, often employing computer-programming scripts to help them eliminate the overhead of opening and closing finished tables and constantly searching out new tournaments, letting the scripts do this for them automatically.
Constant Action, too Much Action?
Many of these players are also prolific HUD (heads-up display users), rendering their computer screens into flowing digital zoos of card and table images, betting percentages, odds, and other game-related info. The problem, if there is one, is that for many players the information flood becomes overwhelming, rendering their poker games into an automatic, play-by-the-numbers form. These players rely on quantity to achieve their needed profits, settling for a relatively low Return on Investment (ROI) per tourney but multiplying that small avrage profit by thousands and thousands of tournaments played.
Hence the Moniker “Grind”
The alternative to quantity? Quality, of course. That is, to practice and study and learn the fine arts of the game, and use one’s knowledge to excel at their chosen stakes. Players able to master this format are able to play fewer SNGs at once, and achieve either a higher ROI per tourney played or are able to move up to higher stakes, thereby achieving the same end. The true masters of the online SNG form find a way to combine both quality and quantity, and achieve far more than just a grinder’s net wage.
However, the online game is only getting tougher, and such excellence above the competition – each player of whom is trying to win just as hard as you are – is rare. It’s not easy to do do, but with hard work, effort, and the willingness to learn, it can be done. Table position and proper poker math skills tend to be the most important aspects to making a living as a Sit n Go pro.
Author:Joseph Falchetti (twitter)
(C) Copyright PokerWebsites.com, 2018
A Slave to Variance - The Grind Often Sounds Easier Than It Is
By Matthew 'Yorkshire Pudding' Pitt
When poker players begin winning money for the first time they often start to wonder what it would be like to be a professional poker player. The envisage being able to sleep until 11:30 a.m, log onto their favourite online poker site, play a handful of Sit ‘n’ Go (SNG) or Multi-Table Tournaments (MTT), win those and then spend the rest of the day living a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.
I may be going out on a limb here but I doubt I would be wrong if I said that there isn’t a single professional poker player whose life is like this. Some of them would like you to believe they are some millionaire playboy, but in reality they spend hour upon hour chained to their machine, grinding dozens of tournaments each day in an attempt to keep the dreaded variance at bay.

Grinding Poker For A Living Person
When you first start playing poker you want to play as much as possible; it seems like every waking minute is spent playing poker. What started as a hobby, a hobby that saw you play one or two tables at once for an hour or two on an evening has progressed to a mission to play four-to-six tables for three hours every night. Surely playing full time isn’t that hard. Surely I could work my day job and then play seven or eight hours every night. Try it, go on I dare you. You won’t last very long!
Every aspiring poker pro hits, what is best described as, “the wall.” It is similar to “the wall” that long-distance runners hit when they have pushed themselves to the limits of their endurance. Once you start to increase your volume, that is play more games and for longer periods, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep yourself motivated to play, especially if you go on a prolonged losing run.
“The Wall” is a horrible place that has scuppered the career of many poker players. When faced with “the wall,” playing poker is difficult in itself and logging any amount of serious volume is almost impossible. So how do you overcome it? How do you push yourself onwards and upwards and start to realise your dream of becoming a professional poker? Hopefully these few tips will help.
Maintaining Motivation While Grinding Poker Tournaments - Set Yourself Small, Achievable Goals
Your end goal may be to quit your day job and play poker for a living, but that goal could be several years into the future. Such a distant goal is difficult to focus on and that can make playing poker seem pointless. Setting yourself clear, achievable goals helps keep you focussed in the short-to-medium term.

Grinding Poker For A Living Will
Maintaining Motivation While Grinding Poker Tournaments - Treat Yourself With Your Bankroll
Most poker players follow a bankroll management system that governs what they can play, but how many of them have a withdrawal system? By withdrawing between 3-8% of each buy-in you invest, you will have a regular income from your poker playing.
Grinding Poker For A Living Trust
For example, if you play a $10+$1 SNG, withdraw $0.33 a wage, this way you can plan ahead easier and are rewarded for your hard work even if and when you are losing! Great, huh?
Maintaining Motivation While Grinding Poker Tournaments - Have a Hobby Outside of Poker
Grinding Poker For A Living Well
Poker is a game that can and will burn you out quickly so it is important to have interests away from poker. Start going to the gym on a regular basis, take up reading again (not poker though), become a movie buff or play video games. Having an outlet from poker that you can turn to when the chips are down – pun intended – can save your sanity and your bankroll.
Grinding Online Poker For A Living
Along with skill, poker players need mental toughness. Doyle Brunson once famously said about poker that 'it is a hard way to make an easy living,” and he is 100% correct. Poker isn’t a game for everyone, it is a game that can chew you up and spit you out again minus your money. But if you get it right and can find the right balance between poker and having a life then it can be one of the most rewarding games that you will ever have the joy of playing.
Some More Articles On Grinding Sit n Goes And Tournaments
- 5 Tips For Becoming An Effective Sit N Go Grinder
- How To Multi-Table SNGs Part 1 of 2
- Best Poker Games To Build Your Bankroll (focuses on SNGs)